Immigration Justice

Immigration is one of the fundamental building blocks that makes this nation unique.  The United States for centuries has welcomed individuals from countries all over the world.  As a country, we are at our best when we allow all individuals the opportunity to be successful and contribute to our communities.  Unfortunately, our current broken immigration system is preventing millions of immigrants from doing so.  When our government can deny due process and legal rights to immigrants, all of our rights are at risk. It is time that we had an immigration system that works and provides dignity and embodies our best values.

In Congress, I will support:

  • A path to citizenship for the 11 million undocumented individuals currently living in the United States
  • Expanding the qualifications and expedite the process for asylum seekers
  • Ensuring due process and access to counsel for individuals facing deportation proceedings
  • Restore discretion to consider equities in each deportation case in an effort to keep families together.
  • Provide adequate bond hearings where the government has the burden of showing that detention is necessary.
  • Reducing the budget and number of ICE agents
  • Reducing the use of detention facilities for immigration enforcement
  • Regulations and enforcement procedures requiring detention facilities to provide humane treatment
  • Removing illegal reentry as a criminal conviction
  • Ending contracts with jails and for-profit prisons to act as detention facilities
  • Policies and procedures that will remove the use of ICE detainers without being granted due process