Gender Justice

Despite great strides that have been made by the Women’s Rights movement, gender bias still creates huge barriers for women.  Women still face hiring and salary discrimination, harassment and violence, institutional barriers to education. In the workplace, women earn about 78 cents for every dollar that men earn, and black women earn about 64 cents for every dollar that white men earn.

Additionally, women constantly face attacks on their reproductive rights.  Every woman has the right to safe and easy access to basic reproductive care.  While these rights are protected by the Constitution, lawmakers want to turn back the hands of time and outlaw abortion and deny women access to reproductive care.

In Congress, I will support:

  • Ending wage discrimination for women in the workplace
  • The removal of prior salary questions during the application process
  • Access to prenatal care for all pregnant women
  • Post-partum medical coverage for all women up to 12 months
  • Federal rights that mirror the Constitutional rights outlined in Roe v. Wade regardless of income
  • Preventing companies from denying contraception and abortions based upon religious beliefs
  • Policies and Procedures that reinforce the Pregnancy Discrimination Act
  • Providing free sanitary products
  • Paid leave for child and family care
  • Policies and procedures that support equal access to education for all women
  • Removing discriminatory policies against survivors of domestic abuse
  • Federal funding to help test untested rape kits
  • Providing breast pumps to all pregnant incarcerated women
  • Removing shackles from incarcerated women during the childbirth process.